Introduction to the DISC Assessment

You are about to learn some things about yourself that you may or may not have known before. The assessment you are about to take is an abbreviated version of the Behavioral Style Analysis known as “DISC”. What vthis assessment will show is your primary behavioral style such as a High D (Dominant), I (Influencer), S (Steady), or C (Compliant).

Please answer each of the following 12 questions carefully.  Please note: this should take somewhere between 6-10 minutes. The results will be available shortly after you complete the assessment.

It is important to remember that none of us are one dimensional, and when you take the full version of DISC, it will often show high scores in as many as two or three of the styles.

Some other things about DISC:

  • DISC is a universal language of behavior and emotions
  • DISC does not measure intelligence
  • DISC is not an indicator of values
  • DISC does not measure skills, education, experience, or training
  • DISC does measure the “how” of behavior
    • Example:
      • D = Dominance - Challenge:
        How you respond to problems & challenges

      • I = Influences - Contacts
        How you influence others to your point of view

      • S = Steadiness - Consistency:
        How you respond to pace of the environment

      • C = Compliance-Constraints:
        How you respond to the rules and procedures set by others
“All people exhibit all four behavioral factors in varying degrees of intensity.”
- W.M. Marston

The Sales Champion PROfiling SystemTM

1. Have you been told you "have a short fuse" or are quick to anger? Yes No
2. Have you been told your positive enthusiasm is contagious? Yes No
3. Do you have the ability to have a "poker face" and mask your emotions? Yes No
4. Do you like to follow procedures and go by the book? Yes No
5. Have you been told you are demanding? Yes No
6. Have you been told you are generous, almost to a fault? Yes No
7. Are you proud of your natural side to be friendly? Yes No
8. Do you find you are a bit restrained when you meet new people? Yes No
9. Do your friends or business associates think of you as a risk taker? Yes No
10. Do you find systems and processes decrease your stress? Yes No
11. Do people tell you that you are the life of the party and gregarious? Yes No
12. Do you have a tendency to be evasive until you completely trust someone Yes No
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